
Comment history with michellekdo


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 comments

recopy your picture link code and just put it here :]

Posted by michellekdo on Nov 4, 07 4:16 pm

yea but it wont work?

Posted by random-hero on Nov 4, 07 3:44 am

umm the code is right there in that section of the about me in that layout :] so um yeah ok.

Posted by michellekdo on Nov 3, 07 1:21 pm

http://i15.tinypic.com/52f0bup .png

Posted by michellekdo on Nov 2, 07 9:20 am

what do u want on your header? joshua?

Posted by michellekdo on Nov 2, 07 9:06 am
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  • 14 years old